Friday, August 10, 2012

10 Rules for Students, Teachers, and Life by John Cage and Sister Corita Kent

“Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail, there’s only make.”
Buried in various corners of the web is a beautiful and poignant list titled Some Rules for Students and Teachers, attributed to John Cage, who passed away twenty years ago this week. The list, however, originates from celebrated artist and educator Sister Corita Kent and was created as part of a project for a class she taught in 1967-1968. It was subsequently appropriated as the official art department rules at the college of LA’s Immaculate Heart Convent, her alma mater, but was commonly popularized by Cage, whom the tenth rule cites directly. Legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham, Cage’s longtime partner and the love of his life, kept a copy of it in the studio where his company rehearsed until his death. It appears in Stewart Brand’s cult-classic Essential Whole Earth Catalog, published in 1986, the year Kent passed away.
The list touches on a number of previously discussed themes and materials, including Bertrand Russell’s 10 commandments of teaching, the importance ofembracing uncertainty, the pivotal role of work ethic, the intricate osmosis between intuition and intellect, and the crucial habit of being fully awake to everything.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Are You Too Smart To Be Scammed?

Solved: Why email scammers say they're from Nigeria

You've seen the email.
A terminally ill Nigerian prince or director of a massive corporation contacts you urgently asking you to move a large sum of money, promising you can keep a share. All you need to do is provide your credit card number and banking PIN.
It looks like a scam, sounds like a scam -- it is a scam. But who on earth actually believes these things? If you've ever wondered why these scams are so blatant, here’s why
If you, like thousands of others, were just too smart for your attacker and saw through the tricky plot - it simply means that you were never the target anyway.
'Far-fetched tales of West African riches strike [people] as comical.'
- Principal researcher Cormac Herley
A recent study found that email scammers really aren't interested in appearing believable because it would just be too expensive if everyone fell for it.
The research conducted by Microsoft’s Machine Learning Department, titled "Why do Nigerian scammers say they are from Nigeria?" found that the OTT scam email, complete with typos is a simple, cost effective way of weeding out intelligent people, leaving only the most gullible to hit.
"Far-fetched tales of West African riches strike as comical," wrote principal researcher, Cormac Herley in the study. "Our analysis suggests that is an advantage to the attacker, not a disadvantage.”
“Since his attack has a low density of victims, the Nigerian scammer has an over-riding need to reduce the false positives. By sending an email that repels all but the most gullible, the scammer gets the most promising marks to self-select, and tilts the true to false positive ration in his favor.”
It seems to work. Just last year a Nigerian man was jailed for 12 years after scamming US$1.3 million. In 2008 an Oregon woman lost $400k to a similar scam.
So next time you open a scam email and think to yourself: "Why bother?" live happy in the knowledge you're not the target market.

Read more:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Henri Poincaré died 100 years ago today

Henri Poincaré died 100 years ago today. He is most famous for the conjecture (now theorem) which carries his name and which remained open for almost 100 years, until Grigori Perelman announced a proof in 2003. But the conjecture isn't all there was to Poincaré. One of his teachers reportedly described him as a "monster of maths" who, perhaps because of his poor eyesight, developed immense powers of visualisation, which must have helped him particularly in his work on geometry and topology. He has been hailed one of the last people whose understanding of maths was truly universal. And he also thought about the philosophy of mathematics. He believed that intuition has an important role to play in maths, and anticipated the work of Kurt Gödel, who proved that maths cannot ever be completely formalised. Finally, and extremely pleasingly for us here at Plus, Poincaré was one of the few scientists of his time to share his knowledge by writing numerous popular science articles.
You can find out more about the Poincaré conjecture and related maths in these Plus articles:
And there is more on Poincaré's life and work on the MacTutor history of maths archive.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Interested in STEM? Thank Your Parents (Maybe)

Want to Get Teens Interested in Math and Science? Target Their Parents

The ongoing discussion of how to retain student interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) often revolves around efforts in the classroom. A new study examines the unique role that parents can play in promoting students’ STEM motivation.

University of Wisconsin professor of psychology Judith Harackiewicz, working with Wisconsin colleagues Christopher Rozek and Janet Hyde, and Chris Hulleman of James Madison University, surveyed 181 U.S. high school students and their parents over the students’ 10th, 11th, and 12th grade years of high school. Participants were divided into two groups, a control group and a group that received materials with information about the importance of math and science. The results were published in Psychological Scienceand suggest that receiving the materials had a noticeable effect on student enrollment in math and science courses in the last two years of high school. The Psychological Science article notes that many math and science classes are not required, especially in the last two years of high school.

“Although some people question whether parents wield any influence, we think of parents as an untapped resource,” said Harackiewicz in the article. “This study shows that it is possible to help parents help their teens make academic choices that will prepare them for the future.”

Their study was funded by the National Science Foundation.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Encouraging Female STEM Majors

How to Encourage Women to Consider STEM Majors

A leading female in the sciences says colleges, professionals, and parents all play important roles.

July 10, 2012
Alicia Abella of AT&T Labs wants more females to consider STEM majors.
For Alicia Abella, the path to becoming a leading female STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) professional started in a high school computer science class in the 1980s. Learning basic programming skills piqued her interest, and she began contemplating the potential proliferation of computers and the myriad career possibilities a degree in the sciences could open for her. 
Years later, after earning a bachelor's degree from New York University and a Ph.D. from Columbia University, Abella is now the executive director of technical research at AT&T Labs and a vocal spokesperson about the potential for other women to find similar success in a STEM field. 
[Explore the U.S. News rankings of Best High Schools for Math and Science.]
Abella spoke with U.S. News about the challenges surrounding inclusivity in STEM fields, and how the effort to get more women involved may take a multifaceted approach in order to be successful: 
1. Why is it important to get more students, including females, interested in STEM?
The country as a whole is in need of more scientists and engineers. There's just not enough of them going into these areas. We have this untapped pool of people in women and minority students that, if we encourage them, could have a very fulfilling life in the science and engineering fields. 
[Read about the STEM disconnect that's leaving female and minority students behind.] 
It's really to help everyone: Help the students, and then help us as a nation meet the demands of the technological problem of not having enough scientists and engineers. 
2. Why do you think many young women are reluctant to consider a STEM field?
The perception of engineering and science is really still that stereotypical nerd image. The image some girls will tell me about when they think about a computer scientist is a nerdy boy sitting in a basement eating donuts with really greasy hair. The truth is, they don't really find that all that appealing. 
One of the things that we can do to help disband that stereotype is really to expose these young girls and young women to role models who are in the field to make them recognize that, in fact, you don't have to really fit that stereotype. 
3. What are common questions you hear from young women, and how do you respond?
High school girls typically ask me how I became interested in it; what's my salary; how do I balance my work life and having a family; is it hard? I tell them, 'Yes, it's hard, but nothing worth doing is ever easy.' 
I don't want them to be misled into thinking it's all fun and games. One of the things I hear a lot about is how we need to make math and science more fun and exciting for students, and while I agree that's true ... we don't want to fool them into thinking it's all fun and games.
It is a hard field to go into, but we want to get them to recognize it's worth putting in that hard work and effort because the rewards are so great. 
4. What is the biggest challenge you faced as a woman in STEM?
In a sense, there hasn't been just one challenge that I can point to. I view the entire experience as a challenge. In general, a science and engineering degree is a very hard degree to get. 
5. Do you think you would have faced those challenges regardless of your gender?
Yes, I think so. I certainly went to school with peers who didn't succeed or didn't finish, and they were men. I think it was there regardless.
6. What can current STEM students do if they feel like they might not succeed?
The mentoring and coaching is important. If they can find somebody they feel they can trust and talk to, to get advice from, that's important. Maybe joining peer groups is important for people. On campuses, there are certainly tech clubs, women's clubs—something where people who are experiencing similar challenges can get together and, in a sense, encourage each other to push onward. 
7. What can parents do to encourage their students?
I encourage them to encourage their children to consider science and math. It's quite often hard for these parents to do that because they themselves think, 'Well, I'm not a scientist or engineer. How can I encourage my child to do that if I'm not a scientist or engineer?' You don't have to be, as a parent. All you have to do is give your child the encouragement to at least try it. 
Even just asking students, "How was your homework today? How was that test?"—that's a lot of what the students need ... [Parents] don't have to know the math to take an interest in their child's education. 
8. Is it ever too late to enter a STEM field if you've started out on a different educational path?
I would say there's always a chance. In fact, it's interesting—coming from the computer science perspective, because it is such a cross-disciplinary area, it might even be useful to get a degree in a different field and then get the engineering/science degree afterward. 
In fact, I've hired a new researcher in my group who just got her Ph.D. in computer science, and her bachelor's degree is ... in design and art. Her design work has helped in [computer science] because that field is about designing applications and services for consumers, and you have to have an appreciation for being able to create easy-to-use programs and ... also [have] a knack for arts and beauty. Having that diverse background for her helped sell her to me. 
9. Is there anything colleges should be doing to encourage more STEM students?
[STEM programs are] not always portrayed in a cross-disciplinary manner, or marketed as, 'These are the kinds of careers and things you can do with a degree if you go into this field.' A lot of the students I've talked to, even at Ivy League universities in engineering programs in their senior year, aren't sure what they're going to do when they graduate. That, it seems to me, is astonishing. 
I think there could be a better job done in ... marketing these programs and in helping to identify the kinds of careers and things you can do with a degree when you finish.
I think of a STEM degree as a degree in problem solving. If you think of life as something where you're always going to be solving problems, then you're pretty well equipped to succeed in life when you have a STEM degree. Something as simple as that can actually help to encourage people to go into those fields. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is Less Actually More?

I’m currently reading The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford, presenter of Radio 4 maths show More or Less. It’s very good, but one thing is stopping me from giving it an unqualified recommendation: it’s full of passages like this:
[T]he government spends three hundred dollars per person (five times less than the British government and seven times less than the American government)
Because of its lousy education system, Cameroon is perhaps twice as poor as it could be.
The poorest tenth of the population spends almost seven times less on fuel than the richest tenth, as a percentage of their much smaller income.
In case you don’t see what I’m getting at, my problem is with the construction “n times smaller/less/poorer”. It is, I think, in relatively common usage, but its multiple appearances in this particular book are what annoyed me into writing this post. In a moment I’m going to attempt to justify my dislike of it, but my objection isn’t directly a consequence of this justification: the phrasing instinctively sounds jarring and awful to me. I’d be interested to know whether other people feel the same way or if those passages of text were completely unremarkable for everyone else, and whether people’s reaction correlates in any way with their level of maths proficiency.
Now, on to some post hoc rationalisation of my strange linguistic prejudices. Suppose I have £2000 and you have £6000. I could say “You are three times richer than me” and I’m sure nobody would argue with me (least of all you). Tim Harford might say “Paul is three times poorer than you”. Now, my statement is simple. Your money is literally my money, three times. If you had another £2000 (my riches another time), you would be four times richer than me. Another £2000, another time richer. Tim’s statement about poorness is not so clear cut. There’s a cosmetic logic to it: poorness is the opposite of richness so if you’re three times richer than me then it stands to reason I should be three times poorer than you. But let’s look a little more closely. What if I wish to become another time poorer than you? I have to lose £500, so that I have £1500: one quarter of your fortune; I am four times poorer than you. However, if I wish now to be five times poorer than you I have to lose just £300 to get me down to £1200, a fifth of your money. The concept of a ‘time’ here has no meaning. The problem is of course that “times” means multiplication but Tim is talking about division.
Of course, the pedantic mathematician will interject here, division is just multiplying by an inverse. Quite right. Everything is solved if we discuss poorness in inverse pounds. So I am poor to the tune of £⁻¹(1/2000) = £⁻¹0.0005  and you are considerably less poor, with a mere £⁻¹0.00016667. The number representing my poorness is now three times the number representing your poorness, and every time I wish to become another time poorer than you I just need to add your poorness on to my poorness: £⁻¹0.00016667 + £⁻¹0.0005 = £⁻¹0.0006667, which in richness is indeed £1500. This way of thinking about things is the only way to deal with poorness in a manner consistent with Tim’s hypothetical statement “Paul is three rimes poorer than you”, or indeed with his actual stataments in the book.
Plainly this is a ridiculous state of affairs. Nobody, not even Tim Harford, thinks in inverse pounds, and this I think has to do with why the passages quoted above sound so strange to me.
Incidentally, I wondered while writing this whether anyone else has expressed similar annoyance about this topic. It’s obviously a tricky thing to search for but I decided that Googling the phrase “three times smaller” might help. The first result was a post complaining about the same thing but for slightly different reasons at the rather good blog TYWKIWDBI. The only comment was from sometime Aperiodical blogger and all-the-time me brother Andrew Taylor saying many of the things I am saying here (including the good point that there are some inverse pairs in science that do make perfectly good sense such as resistance and conductance). This could of course be a massive coincidence, or Google could have served me that page first because its sinister Google-brain knows Andrew is my brother (though the same search in incognito mode delivered the same result). But very possibly I read that post and comment two years ago (I have no recollection of doing but that proves little) in which case I must thank the author and Andrew for alerting me to this and thereby spoiling for me a perfectly good book.
In a further coincidence, just before this post went to press the excellent Guardian Style Guide has waded into the debate on Twitter, in response to a query on the same subject. Thankfully for my self-respect, they come down on my side:

Original Posting

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ability with fractions and division aged 10 predicts ability with algebra aged 16

By Peter Rowlett On 

Last week we reported that the UK Government have released a draft primary school Programme of Study for mathematics for consultation. A report from the Telegraph quoted in that article mentioned that “the use and multiplication of fractions” was “a vital precursor to studying algebra”. A piece of research published in the journal Psychological Science, ‘Early Predictors of High School Mathematics Achievement‘, investigates this area. The findings indicate the importance of learning about fractions and division by showing that these “uniquely predict” students’ knowledge of algebra and overall mathematics achievement 5 or 6 years later.
To identify “the types of mathematics content knowledge that are most predictive of students’ long-term learning”, this research “examined long-term predictors of high school students’ knowledge of algebra and overall mathematics achievement”. Analysis was completed on “large, nationally representative, longitudinal data sets from the United States and the United Kingdom”. According to the press release,
The U.S. set included 599 children who were tested in 1997 as 10-12 year-olds and again in 2002 as 15-17-year-olds. The set from the U.K. included 3,677 children who were tested in 1980 as 10-year-olds and in 1986 as 16-year-olds.
Both sets apparently showed that
elementary school students’ knowledge of fractions and of division uniquely predicts those students’ knowledge of algebra and overall mathematics achievement in high school, 5 or 6 years later, even after statistically controlling for other types of mathematical knowledge, general intellectual ability, working memory, and family income and education.
With this sort of story it is of course necessary to consider the ever-present question of causation but if you’re interested the link to the original research paper is below.
Paper:Early Predictors of High School Mathematics Achievement (Siegler et al., Psychological Science; DOI: 10.1177/0956797612440101)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cryptoclub... coming to a school near you?

Beyond Secret Decoder Rings

Mathematicians at the University of Illinois at Chicago have developed materials to help fifth- through eighth-graders learn about cryptography.

CryptoClub is an after school program where students engage in fun coding exercises that enhance their mathematics, reading, and vocabulary skills.

The program was developed through a collaboration of UIC faculty from the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, the Learning Sciences Research Institute, and the School of Art and Design.

For more information, click here.